ARPWIRE is an LLC formed in 2021, run and maintained entirely by one individual, for the purpose of experimenting with various projects & side hustle ideas.



> Video Production & Editing

// Pre-ARPWIRE (As Win2K) //
[DEFUNCT | December 2019 - December 2020]

// For ARPWIRE Promotional Material //
[ACTIVE | April 2022 - PRESENT]


> An encrypted Chat & Social Media platform

[DEFUNCT | January 2021 - March 2022]

[Initially developed using code from "Rocket Chat" - This platform utilized E2E Encrpytion for messages, and functioned similarly to an old-school AOL chatroom. Beta testing occurred in Fall of 2021, to which the platform launched as "KRYPTIC" in early 2022

KRYPTIC was meant to act as a "concept" for a bigger project I had in mind. A full fledged Social Media platform, with a focus on Data Privacy and minimal censorship. This would have been achieved by utilizing profits from KRYPTIC's growth to hire professional developers, and go all-in on the project full time. However, this was simply a longshot that never ended up happening.

The concept was insanely unrealistic for one person (with no funding, and already working a demanding full time job) to achieve alone. Since user registration for KRYPTIC was far lower than anticipated, there was simply no possible way to raise capital for the bigger picture. As a result, KRYPTIC was shut down entirely in March 2022. All future plans were scrapped.

Remaining users of KRYPTIC were sent invites to the ARPWIRE Discord]


> Experimentation with "Decentralized Web-Hosting" via the IPFS protocol & Ethereum Naming Service (ENS & .ETH.LIMO)


[The ARPWIRE homepage is consistently mirrored to the decentralized web, on it's own domain (ARPWIRE.ETH.LIMO) on the Ethereum Naming Service. This provides an additional layer of security from ARPWIRE being taken down by any outside entities, as you would need to take down the entire ENS gateway to take down the mirrored ARPWIRE homepage! This is purely experimental, however, as this type of technology is still brand new, so you'll likely see ARPWIRE switch between .COM and .ETH.LIMO pretty often until the "decentralized web" is more stable and adopted by more developers]


> Solarcrypts (An NFT collection, with each NFT containing an encrypted message that can only be decrypted by the owner of said NFT)

[DEFUNCT | April 2022 - June 2022]

[Airdropped in April 2022 (to those who requested one) to promote the official ARPWIRE brand launch on Social Media & 1 year anniversary of the LLC. The second (and final) series of SolarCrypts were released in June 2022]


> ARPWIRE as a "Social Media" Brand

[ACTIVE | May 2022 - Present]

[By spinning-off ARPWIRE LLC into a Social Media brand, it gives the LLC the exposure needed for perpetual growth, as well as it's own identity & following. This allows for future projects to have far greater success than previous ones]


> An online shop, with the ability to pay with Cryptocurrency, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Credit Card

// Initial Concept (via Shopify) //
[CANCELLED | November 2021]

// Official ARPWIRE Shop (Self Developed) //
[ACTIVE | November 2022-PRESENT]

[Current items include streetwear merch, video games & consoles, and services such as video editing and game console modding]


> Untitled 2023 Project

[In Development | TBA]



Brand names grow a following throughout their journey, therefor the more familiarity and loyalty a brand name accumulates, the more likely its future projects will succeed. Past projects being revisited later-on have proven to be MORE successful than they were the year before, due to an increased following. That's the power of branding!

The name ARPWIRE is a mashup of ARPANET and LimeWire. No significance.


100% of profits are re-invested directly back into the brand to continue funding projects and ideas. As much as the money would help in my personal life, I have chosen to not make a personal profit from any revenue that ARPWIRE LLC accrues. I'm considering it more of a long-term financial plan.

Just as well, ARPWIRE LLC is fully maintained by only one person. It doesn't rely on employees, nor does it receive funding from investors.


Not at this moment, as I wish to maintain 100% control over this brand for now. However, you can support by visiting the shop and following ARPWIRE on Instagram and TikTok!